Thursday, March 15, 2012


(I thought the story i wrote about Freddie was so damn cute that i wanted to change it up a bit to make it fit this blog. There are a few ideas that i had, and loved, so i want to transfer some of them over. Most of them are at the very back of my other blog so many of you probably have never seen them before. As for Cheyenne, i'm sorry, but you can read them again but with my new characters. I don't plan on making them exactly the same. I will change up the details a little bit. I'm sorry, but the dialogue will probably be the same... Hobbs sort of reminds me a bit of Freddie and i plan on making him just as cute and flirty.)

When she got her schedule that morning and saw that finally she'd gotten the library assistant position as her fourth hour elective, she was ecstatic. What could be a better blow-off class? One whole hour of school spent in the library? Going through books, checking out books. Could school get any easier?

No, it couldn't.

Plus, an A in this class would raise her GPA.

Except, when she pulled back one of the double doors of the library and went around the front counter to announce her arrival to the librarian, she ran into Hobbs.

On first glance, she thought it was Dean. They almost had identical features, both with chestnut-brown eyes, moss-green eyes, and a strong jaw line, but it only took a second glance to see all the other differences.

Hobbs always combed his hair, nice and neat, and Kayla wouldn't be surprised if he blowdryed it, too. He wore button-up shirts with a brown leather jacket and tight-fitting jeans. Dean, on the other hand, wore t-shirts tucked into his bell bottoms with a pair of heavy boots. His hair was uncut and unkempt, curls around his shoulders and down the back of his neck. Dean was Hobbs on a bad day.

"Hey," Hobbs said, his voice slightly hoarse. "Kayla, right?"

The bell rang and Kayla dropped her bag on a chair. "Yes."

He leaned an arm on the counter and crossed his legs at the ankles. "Do people call you Kay?"

Sometimes her friends shortened her name, but it wasn't like a nickname or anything.





Sighing, she sat down. "Just Kayla, thanks." Where was the librarian? And why was Hobbs here? He wasn't an assistant, too, was he?

Though she had no opinion of Hobbs-since she'd never really talked to him before-carrying on a conversation with him seemed traitorous. His friend just dumped her best friend four days ago. Wasn't Hobbs kind of guilty by association?

"Kayla, then," he said, and sat in the chair next to her. He slouched a bit, his long legs spread out in front of him. "I'm Hobbs."

She glanced over at him. "Yeah, i know."

"Sometimes my friends like to call me Jamin."

"They do not."

He groaned. "All right, so they don't. But sometimes it'd be cool if they did."

A smile crossed her face but she quickly squashed it. "I'll call you Hobbs, if i need to call you."

"I suppose you'll be calling me a lot when you fall head over heels in love with me. Yeah," he slouched more and slung his arm over the back of the chair, "the ladies really like me, so i hear. I can't blame them. What with my wit and stunning good looks."

Coming from anyone else, Kayla probably would have groaned and ignored the guy, but Hobbs' facial expressions and sarcastic tone of voice said he was just trying to make her laugh. It worked.

He straightened in the chair. "See, i know there was a smile in there somewhere. Though i think it's unfair that you're laughing at me. You don't think i'm good-looking? Or witty?"

She smiled again. She just couldn't help herself. "Well, you're... ah..."

"Just say it," he teased.

Kayla scrunched up her nose.

"No?" He checked out his reflection in the librarian's office windows. He smoothed out flowy hair with his hand.

The library door opened and the librarian, Mrs. Spitzer, hurried in, a coffee mug in one hand, a stack of books in the other. "Oh, sorry I'm late," she said, rushing past Kayla and into her office. She unloaded her things on her desk, grabbed a file folder, and came back out. "John," she said, looking over her glasses, "don't you have somewhere to be?"

"Right. I forgot."

"Mmhmm." To Kayla she said, "Give me two more minutes, dear, and i'll get you started. I have to make a phone call." she headed into her office.

"I guess that's my cue to go," Hobbs said.

Kayla stood. "I thought you were another library assistant." she tried to keep the disappointment out of her voice. "Aren't you going to get in trouble now for being late?"

"Nah. I'm a computer lab assistant this hour-this is my second semester doing it- and Mrs. Fairweather has the hots for me, no lie."

Kayla laughed since the computer lab teacher was older than her mother and smelled like cat food.

"And," Hobbs continued, "She's as blind as a bat."

"John," Mrs. Spitzer said, "off to class now before Mrs. Fairweather marks you absent."

"I'm going." He tipped his head toward Kayla. "Check ya later."


He opened the door to the computer lab and went inside.

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