Thursday, March 15, 2012


(Another one i used for Freddie a long time ago. But, i changed it up a little to make it better. And i plan on using some of the unoffical stuff i wrote but have not included in the game. So, some of my old posts will be repeated here because i feel like they would go better with this new blog. It just seems to make more sense for some things to happen with a group of high school kids than a group of rock musicians and their girlfriends. Like the football thing and the woods. More of a high school thing, don't ya think? So that will be in this blog.)

The smell of crisp pages and old leather filled Kayla's nose. The history room in the library was one of her favorite places. It was like taking a step back in time. History had always been an easy subject for Kayla and therefore was her favorite, besides science. There wasn't much to the subject other than memorising facts. Kayla slipped an American history book on the shelf. She turned back to her metal cart and saw Hobbs thumbing through the other books she was supposed to be putting away.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

She hadn't seen him since yesterday this hour, and when she came into the library just twenty minutes ago to find him nowhere, the disappointment had been nearly palpable. So, she'd gone straight to work, checking in returned books and filing them away, but all she thought about while pulling her metal cart around was Hobbs.

She hadn't crushed this hard since John Travolta in Grease. Not that she could call this thing... whatever it was... a crush. She looked forward to seeing him, was all. A friendly crush was more like it.

Hobbs pulled a book about Rome out of the stack and held it up for her. "Did you know," he cocked an eyebrow, "that in ancient Rome, the thumbs-down meant the crowd favored the gladiator in the arena?"

"No,, i can't say i knew that."

Pushing the book into a random spot on the shelf, he squared himself in front of her. "If i were a Roman emperor, which i probably wouldn't be, because i'm too cool for that, and you were a gladiator, i'd give you..." He jabbed his thumb toward the floor. "A thumbs-down."

"So, you'd favor me?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. "Totally."

If she had a mirror right now, she'd probably see her cheeks lighting up like Christmas lights. She looked away. The flattery-was that what it was?-unnerved her.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the computer lab? Assisting?"

"No, actually." He smiled. "I'm supposed to be in Mrs. Spitzer's office calling my mother."

Kayla turned around, brow furrowed. "Really?"


"Mrs. Spitzer's office is out there"-she nodded to the doorway behind Hobbs shoulder-"and to the right."

He wagged his fingers at her. "So that's where it is. I was wondering. Well, i should call her, before dinner is spoiled." He left the history room and headed into the librarian's office. Mrs. Spitzer smiled at him and grabbed her phone. After handing it over, she left the office.

He dialed and talked to someone on the other line. Kayla knew all of this because she was peeking out the window of the history room watching him. He was so danged cute. Just watching him made Kayla smile. And talking to him usually had her laughing harder than she had in months. If she had to pick between her sacred alone time or an hour with Hobbs, she'd pick Hobbs.

When he hung up, he glanced over at the window and Kayla ducked. She went around one of the bookcases, losing herself in the books before Hobbs came back.

She put two more books away before he popped up behind her, making her shriek and jump, dropping the stack of books in her hands. They tumbled to the floor with a thud.

"I didn't mean to scare you," he said, then frowned as if mulling that answer over. "Well, okay, I'll be honest. I did mean to scare you, but not that bad." He bent down and scooped the books up. "Here."

She took them. "Thanks. For picking up the books. Not for scaring me." Her heart still drummed in her chest and her hands were suddenly clammy, but she had to admit it was kind of funny. it'd been funnier if it were someone else though.

"So, what are you doing this Saturday?" He leaned his elbow on a bookshelf, sticking his fingers into his hair.

Was she ever doing anything on a Saturday other than laundry and watching TV? Not like she would tell him that. Of course, now that she had her friends back... maybe they'd want to hang out.

"Why?" she asked.

He shrugged. "Some of us go to Eagle Park on Saturday morning to play football. I think you'd have fun."

"Me? Football? With a bunch of guys?" She raised an eyebrow, incredulous. "I don't think so."

"Why? It's not like we'll tackle you. It's just for fun, and other girls come." He paused. "Sometimes."

"I don't know."

"Okay, okay. I have another idea and you have to pick between it and football, okay?"

"I have to pick?"

"Yes, it's the rule."

"What rule?"

"The Kayla-has-to-pick-between-two-things rule. Jeez, where have you been?"

She laughed. "Okay, what's the other option?"

"Either we play football, or... we go to Stixs-N-Yarn and make my dog a sweater."


"Yes." He nodded incessantly. "I'm a master knitter. I'm a level three."

"There aren't levels in knitting."

He made a disgusted face. "Seriously? Well there should be. What's the point if there aren't any levels?"

Mrs. Spitzer popped her head in the doorway. "Mr. Daniels," she said in her best authoritative voice, "what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to ask Kayla on a date, but she's rebuffing my advances."

"Smart girl," Mrs. Spitzer said, winking at Kayla. "Just hurry it up then."

Grinning, Kayla said, "Okay, football, i guess. What time?"

"Nine. In the morning. At Eagle Park."

"Got it. I'll meet you there."

"So you can get out fast if the date goes sour. Nice." He made his way to the door. "Check ya later, Kayla." he said over a shoulder.

Hugging a book to her chest, she squeaked out, "Later." and watched him leave.


Anonymous said...

It was good! Congrats kayla- but computer labs in the 70s?! The closest thing they had to that was typing classes... with typewriters..

Kayla Mae said...

why are you giving nice comments now, miss??

Kayla Mae said...

AND YEAH YEAH, I KNOW!! I'LL FIX IT WHEN I HAVE THE TIME!! he'll be a study hall volunteer